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More sunflowers than you can shake a stick at

snobbo sunflowers 

trusty chariot


neat house; Josh called it a 'shack'.  It's probably a barn.

best view in the county

Cookie and Natty

Sunflowers are in bloom in HarCo!
Josh and I had a visiting day.  It was hot, humid, and full of friends and family, making for a busy, but fun driving-around day.  We had lunch at the Amish market in Shrewsbury and thrifted at the local Goodwill, getting way too many cat-related items (well, two).  Josh long-boarded a driveway in Freeland and we peered into the Bison Farm/Museum store window in search of jerky.  Beautiful heat lightening shot through the sky following us on our way home.  


  1. if there's not a stoner metal band called ironweed, i give up.

  2. oh my goodness! love the sunflower farm!
