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Big Ball Bag//Ocean City Park playin' around Easter weekend

@ Northside Park, Ocean City
thankfully the Lawlers brought their Big Ball Bag

watch this tactic

how to distract the players
bring a bubble wand on a windy day!

see ya later, work hat!
I'll miss you Bethesda Crab House cap

no way to drive!

guess what?  I totally didn't get that. 

this guy coming for me 

trying one more time to find the hat
say goodbye
This morning we met friends at Northside Park in Ocean City, a large green space with fields, a playground, and a long pier into the Bay.  As you can see, it was windy.  And of course my favorite work hat blows off my head right as we start a stroll along the pier, into the water, just out of reach.  We watched it bob in the shallow waves and wished it a good life as, I don't know, a habitat to a creature of wildlife.

Josh took one last look around for said hat ("his" hat), but to no avail.  I regret not getting a hat I saw at a thrift store a while ago that said CENSUS WORKER in big letters.  I'll just have to keep my eye out for something worthy to replace Bethesda Crab House, R.I.P.

Eeeeewwwwww -- I just found a tick crawling down my leg!!!  OMG, as I was typing that another tick was crawling out of the computer!!!  We were walking around the back yard and I must have acquired them in my feeble attempt to help saw a stump off (I took about 7 strokes and was done).  Ay yi yi.  Spring has sprung.  Time to relax and get ready for Easter dinner.  Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Josh running down that pier is hiiiilarious.
    Ticks are fucking scary, dude.
