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Lyon, France: Part I Monday

Gâtique: a perfect way to start the day

lots of art inside galleries and outside on buildings

meow = miaou

this was all painted: peep the Little Prince on the right

this guy was awesome and in a lot of places

Rap!  He's down w/blogger, too.

checking out the local real estate listings

this store actually wasn't open yet, but we wandered in unknowing.  I purchased a french edition of Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron and had to pay in cash b/cs their register/computer wasn't hooked up yet.

lil' Thing pig

A couple hours away from Talloires is Lyon, France's third largest city.  We went on Monday, and while we knew many places take a siesta during the day (and usually close between noon and 2pm), we didn't expect so many shops to be closed (silly us; I thought Monday was just a museums-being-closed thing).  We still managed to squeeze in a record store and a couple other shops, but were content with window shopping and perusing the street art.

This was a lot of pictures, so I've split Lyon into two posts.  Enjoy!