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Geneva, Switzerland. Day one, part II

@the record store

Jacob seems to be a happy, loving cat from Germany

Doraemon: the cat-like robot!

Doraemon - you might have heard: he's a cat-like robot!

it appears he enjoys eating cake-like baked goods

totally would have gotten this if it weren't a child size

cicada home decor

for when you need it fast

ghostly visage

Geneva, still day one:  we dropped our stuff at the hotel and walked around town.  Josh, of course, found a record store while Kara and I popped into some other shops.  When we met back up he told us the guy at the record store was from New Jersey and I was like, "Let's go back and talk to him!".  I must have been fiending for someone fluent in English.  He was very nice and suggested some places to eat.  I was happy to poke around the shop -- check out those sweet Doraemon tshirts!  I'd never heard of him, but apparently he's a Japanese character who has been around since the late 1960s.  I guess cat-like robots never go out of style.
Geneva day two we go to the local flea market!  Stay tuned.  =)

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Geneva the best?! I visited my cousins who live there last May and pretty much wanted to stay forever. Such a vibrant city :)
