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One Day in May

One day in May
after weeks of feeling unwell
I felt okay enough
to till the soil
and sow seeds in my garden.

My garden you can see from the sky
Every once in a while
a little boy watches me from his window
and once a woman stopped to say
she enjoyed the flowers
that were still there
after her mother passed away.

One day in May
it was hot and then cold
I spread the soil
under a rake
and threw the seed unto the dirt
precious dirt
that I inhale
and the sun warms me

I thought of my past loves
and how they gave me
all I've ever wanted
How all my unrequited love
made me a wife
and gave me a life -- 
a good life
and a garden.

And for this I still love you
I look back to love you
and thank you for everything
I'm thankful for the hurt, dears
that ache helped me transcend pain
I now love life
and I embrace the fear
because I don't despise death
I've lived a life 
and keep living a life
and plant my garden
year after year.

Cleome, marigolds, sunflowers
zinnias, coneflowers, black-eyed susans: 
it's all easy
I just toss the seeds and they grow
and it's easy.
It's hard work,
but it's easy
and it keeps coming back
to reward all who sees.

I sometimes fear I'll not know you
you reject and resist my love for you
I'll never know why; but that's the lesson.
I know
that unrequited means I don't get it back.
I love, and am unloved
I love and am loved.
You've taught me there are some things
I don't get to understand
and it's not up to me
and one day I'll understand
I see it and I don't see
It's just love; why is it so hard to return it to me?

And a million other lovers wonder why
like a million burned out stars in the sky
like all the seeds I'll sow that won't make it
that are dead before touching the ground
or suffer a fate before they bloom.

I know you and yet I don't know you
I love you, but who are you?
Does it matter?  I know it doesn't matter
So I keep on doing it because what else is there?

Every year I plant the garden
every year another few inches of land I've conquered
I treat it well, it grows for all
in the fall I rip it out and let it be
but before that comes, I gather the seeds.

I collect in the heat
in the sun
I'm out with everyone else out
walking their dogs
driving by
playing in the street
peeking from their windows.

One of these days, you've gotta come see my garden
It's my love; it gets me out and about
the birds and bees and bugs come and take and live in it
and those blooms you can see from the sky.

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