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Functional Collecting: Sheets and Fabric

I've been thinking of my collecting habits, which I have numerous times joked as borderline hoarding habits.  I collect many things, maybe most things, based on visual aesthetics: if I enjoy looking at them, if I think they are neat or interesting.  
And sometimes, if they have an actual purpose or function! =)

I call this Functional Collecting, which I hope to post more of in a series.  First up:  Sheets!

I hate to admit this, but I think my habit started with looking and purchasing some sheets from
Urban Outfitters.  I was often stalking their Apartment/Household sale section for inexpensive finds.  The cute birds sheet above is from UO, same with the orange floral print, and a brown floral duvet cover you can't quite see at the end of the first pic. 

But now that I am shopping more at thrift stores and estate sales, it is easy to see many of the trends in UO and Anthropologie and most stores are inspired by vintage style.  I have found some great 100% cotton, egyptian cotton, or fabulous printed fabric at secondhand shops.

I tell myself I will make clothes from some of the fabric I've gotten.  One day!  I have made two curtains, thanks to learning how to use my sewing machine finally(props to Melissa!!  Thank you!).

If you have any sweet fabric finds, I'd love it if you post in the comments.  I know I have some kitty cat fabric somewhere.  More pics later!

1 comment:

  1. If you ever make a quilt, the sheets are perfect for the backing so you don't have to piece together more than one piece! Also, patterned sheets always look so cute in contrast with whatever patterns you choose for the front.
