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Estate Sale-ing: Greenspring Valley Road, Stevenson, MD

Sick, sick estate in Stevenson, MD, like another world kind of estate.

This weekend Josh went to a show in DC, leaving me to thrift and estate sale shop at my leisure.  I hit up the second weekend of an estate sale in beautiful Stevenson, Maryland, just west and north of the Towson/Baltimore area. 
According to the estate sale person (and the realtor's site) the mansion was built in 1904 and was owned by a fellow Teddy Roosevelt Rough Rider.  High upon a hill at the end of a curved drive, it overlooked its beautiful bucolic surrounds.     

The first weekend there was a gorgeous emerald green velvet couch directly in the foyer that I WANTED but thank goodness we didn't get.  If I had a truck or van, man, I'm telling you...  the household we'd have.

THANKFULLY it was GONE this weekend, removing the want from me.

I arrived at the sale mid-morning on Sunday.  You miss all the "good stuff" if you don't hit estate sales early on the first day, but that's probably good for me.  I'm not trying to get all crazy with the collecting (any more crazy than I have been, anyway).  But it is fun to see different houses and peek inside.  Don't get me wrong, it's weird - but it's awesome at the same time.  

I love seeing things in the home I would keep and that have vintage or antique charm.  I love old bathrooms, I love tile, I love big sinks.  It kills me these things are getting gutted from so many homes, but to each their own.  

Anyway, it was quiet and fun.  Most sensible estate salers probably went the first weekend or earlier this weekend and scooped up the 'best' stuff.  I managed to still score some sweet things, pics I will post soon.

Oh, I did want to take pictures of the interior, but I forgot my camera in the car and felt a little weird/voyeur/peeping/creepy about it.  Staged interior pics are at the real estate site

So if anyone wants to share a cool 2 million my way, I'd love to fix up this house (does NOT look like as it does in the staged photos anymore, btw).  =)

In the meantime here is some real estate porn from the Maryland area:

What are your estate sale tips/tricks?

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