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From France

Kara relaxing upon arrival

Our new friend, Gatique, whom I like to dub "Lil' Cakes", Gâteau.

Evening view from the house

Morning view

Sketchy walk through the rock and ice

@the cascades

Inside of Superman's cave

Mossy Anthropologyesque scenery

Tartine and salad (note the Orangina in the background)

Canals of Annecy ("It's like Venice!")


mushroom macaroons
This guy totally wanted to eat a bird

Josh and Le Lac


French lover

Ah, France.
We arrived via London and Geneva on Monday.  I took a quarter of a Dramamine and another quarter on the plane, to make sure it wouldn't wear off.  No sickness, but general weirdness from the side effects.  Did not sleep well on the plane.

We are staying with our lovely friends and hosts in their beautiful town of Talloires along Lake Annecy.  We are blessed with a wonderful place to stay, and the town and surrounding area is charming and visually breath-taking, and thankfully during this time of year, not rife with tourists.

On the morning of our first full day we checked out the cascades/frozen waterfall near the house.  Quite a hike, but well-worth the huffing and puffing.  Met up with Megan for lunch in Annecy and wandered around town.

Lots of fun already.  Check out the pics and more to come soon!

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