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Little Dragon: Sweet Swedish electronic pop

I've been listening to a lot of Little Dragon lately, mostly via YouTube videos.  I discovered them on a friend's fb page.  I am pretty slow to catch on to most things in pop culture, so I was happy to find this band.  
This first video is the song that introduced me to Little Dragon, Feather.  It's so dreamy and sexy - I love it!
This black and white fan-made video is a more upbeat dance song called Please Turn.  I haven't seen the movie the clips are taken from (Vivre sa vie : film en douze tableaux, or My Life to Live), but if you watch the trailer it contains a spoiler!  Haha, those crazy french filmmakers.  
This video has sweet images from the classic Endless Summer.  Here is the video creator's channel, if you want to peep all their work:
I will end on this video for Twice, which is a trailer for a short shadow puppet film called Dreams from the Woods, directed by Johannes Nyholm.  The audio isn't as good quality as other videos, but the visuals!  Again, so dreamy.

Props to the video makers who so ably juxtapose image to sound!

Little Dragon Band site:

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