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Millville/Bethany Beach//More toys than you can shake a stick at!

@ the counter of Yesterday's Fun
lil' ladybug
troll dolls

look what we found!

loving the land animals

had to have Lamb Chop!

making the exchange solid

filling the free toy bag!
we're all Devo

not afraid of the creepy crawlies

filling the rock bag
@ Tidepool Toys and Games on the Bethany boardwalk

hey, Sweet Pea
won't you come with me?

You know your parents are extraterrestrial beings when:  They tell jokes ordinary humans do not find funny.

trying to make it to Pluto

does not approve

you can ask for a baby cone at Kohr's for $3.00
What a day!  Two trips to Yesterday's Fun, two trips to Bethany Beach and the boardwalk, total toy store visits: 3 (squeezing in Tidepool Toys and Games), number of Kohr's soft serve consumed: just one baby cone by me, but believe me the weekend isn't over yet!

What a pleasant surprise we had when we met up with the family and our niece came down a day early!  She had a great time at the aforementioned toy stores, especially since Yesterday's Fun currently has a free toy pool in the front of the shop.  Mandy could not leave without claiming a large plush Lamb Chop for her own.  The sun was out all day, even on the breezy beach, making for a great day on this Easter weekend.

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