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Today's breakfast: bread and cottage cheese

Good morning!  I just listened to an article on NPR about disparities among black and white females and obesity rates. (Read/listen for yourself HERE.)  Turns out social and economic factors play a role in making exercise available and appealing to young girls, as does the typical social pressures of being a teenager.  (I chuckled at the "I don't want to get my hair messy," line from the article.  However, I do recall being a self-conscious teenage and carrying around deodorant in my bookbag 'just in case' I got smelly after gym class, or any part of the day.  Yeesh.)

The radio article mentions keeping eating habits in moderation; evening out carbs with protein (and I assume fruits and veggies).  So, I honored this advice with my breakfast by slapping down a blob of cottage cheese along my pumpkin bread.  Look gross?  Well, it's yummy.  Cottage cheese can be substituted with plain yogurt.  No cracks about substituting it with pounds of bacon, please, although of course I would not oppose.  =)

Not shown:  mug of hot water.  An 80-year-old co-worker from my first job introduced me to drinking hot water, a tactic she used to keep warm.  If you guys didn't already know, I am an elderly woman on the inside.  And sometimes on the outside, as to be evidenced by future posts and my fashion sense.  

What 'weird' foods or beverages do you enjoy for breakfast?

Have a great day!

Image by FreeBalloon via DeviantArt: Part of a Balanced Breakfast
Image by FreeBalloon via DeviantArt: Part of a Balanced Breakfast

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