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Good Stuff

I've been listening to the B52s lately and quite enjoying myself.

The B52s were quintessential middle school dance/party music back in my day.  And I can see why:  poppy, catchy beats with kid-friendly themes and lyrics.  I really loved "Roam", which was released on their album
Cosmic Thing in 1989.  Holy crap, I wasn't in middle school yet!  So make that "elementary/middle school party jams".

I really liked Audrey Niffenegger's novel
The Time Traveler's Wife.  The main character, uncontrollable time traveler, Henry, is a charming college reference librarian (woot! librarians represent!).  He is a bit traumatized and experiences what he can of his younger years listening to punk, going to shows, getting loaded out of his mind, and of course, time traveling whether he wants to or not.

When Henry marries his wife, Clare, a well-meaning artist, he is befuddled and bummed that she likes the B52s.  Too bad, Henry.  The lesson we learn here is that happy pop music nicely evens out the rage of punk frustration.  Even though punks supposedly hate hippies, or retro mod funksters like the B52s.

Time Traveler's Wife
was a really good read, I highly recommend it.  I got a bit emotional toward the end, though, so tear-jerker alert.

Gimme some of that good stuff!

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